Poultry Market Outlook - February
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The supply/demand imbalance for corn is worsening. Global stocks are swelling amid subdued international demand. The United States, facing strong competition from South America and struggling to find export outlets, is particularly affected.
Last spring, U.S. producers opted to delay corn sales in the hope of higher prices, which did not materialize as the harvest turned out to be exceptional. At $163/t in February on the Chicago market, the price of corn is not covering the cost of production for American producers, and some are facing significant economic difficulties.
Soybean Meals
On the Chicago futures market, soybean prices continue to fall and are now trading at their lowest level since 2020, averaging $361/t in February. Expected harvests in South America are expected to be excellent, putting pressure on prices.
Chicken prices were little changed in February, with a downward trend observed in the major producing regions, apart from Brazil, where heat waves have affected farms and crops. The poultry industry continues to perform well with reduced costs and stable prices. Thanks to HPAI vaccination, a country like France had a relatively calm winter. Many other countries are now considering the use of vaccination. Export activity remains dynamic with positive world consumption.
Chicken production continues to grow, driven by dynamic demand. Poultry should remain the preferred protein in Europe in 2024 as it is more affordable than other sources. Chicken prices fell slightly in February, continuing the trend of lower feed costs. A significant increase in the supply of breast meat, particularly due to increased imports, mainly from Ukraine, is putting pressure on margins in the European chicken industry. Despite this, a projected increase in EU chicken supply is expected, along with potential production boosts from France’s new HPAI vaccination program. However, shifts towards higher welfare standards and ongoing HPAI outbreaks could affect production dynamics.
Chicken prices fell slightly in February, with supply balanced but some tightness in wings and tenders. The US chicken market remains positive and offers advantages over other meats (beef, pork) which remain relatively more expensive. Despite the challenges posed by HPAI, the sector is performing well. Exports continue to suffer from China’s HPAI restrictions, with U.S. sales down 2% in January, including a 48% drop to China.
Broiler prices rose in February. The heat wave that hit the country has affected farm performance and crop yields. In addition, strong export demand kept prices high. Despite a decline in sales to China (-18%), Brazil increased its exports by 4.3% in February. This trend is expected to reverse in the coming months. The end of anti-dumping measures imposed by China makes Brazilian poultry exports more competitive for the Chinese market.
Chicken prices in China fell in February due to weak demand and oversupply. This situation led to a 52% drop in broiler imports for February 2024. The Chinese government has announced that it will not renew anti-dumping duties on imports from Brazil. This move is expected to lead to an increase in import volumes and a decrease in prices, which should stimulate consumption.

POULTRY MARKET WATCH is a monthly newsletter edited by Ceva Headquarters Libourne, France) Editor-in-chief: Caroline Gremillet, Ceva. Writers: Caroline Gremillet Market Data) Mohamed Bouizidi ABCIS, Poultry Market Analysis)All figures are from public sources and when using them, you are required to acknowledge their original sources and Ceva’s reprocessing. Experts in animal sectors – ABCIS