Coccidiosis Control in a Gel Droplet
A unique coccidiosis vaccine that perfectly balances safety and efficacy in a gel droplet

IMMUCOX® Designed to help healthy Chickens & Turkeys develop immunity against Coccidiosis

Immucox®3 is a live oral coccidiosis vaccine for Broilers, that contains sporulated oocysts of :
- Eimeria acervulina
- Eimeria maxima
- Eimeria tenella
A unique coccidiosis vaccine that perfectly balances the safety and efficacy needed for broilers that are raised without antibiotics and anticoccidial resistance management programs.
Immucox®5 is a Live oral coccidiosis vaccine for Breeders & Layers , that contains sporulated oocysts of :
- Eimeria acervulina
- Eimeria maxima
- Eimeria tenella
- Eimeria necatrix
- Eimeria brunetti
A unique coccidiosis vaccine that perfectly balances safety and efficacy, in a gel droplet to prevent economic losses caused by coccidiosis in long-living birds.
Immucox®T is a live oral coccidiosis vaccine for Turkeys, that contains sporulated oocysts of :
- Eimeria adenoides
- Eimeria meleagremitis
A unique coccidiosis vaccine that perfectly balances the safety and efficacy needed for Turkeys that are raised without antibiotics and anticoccidial resistance management programs.
Immucox® Difference
Coccidiosis is an ever-present challenge that can devastate your flock as well as your financial return. Effective prevention is vital. You can count on Ceva’s IMMUCOX® vaccination program to deliver these proven benefits:

1. Safety & Efficacy
IMMUCOX® is formulated to induce strong and fast protective immunity against coccidiosis.
The IMMUCOX® difference begins with its safety and efficacy.
- The ingestion of an optimum number of full-cycle oocysts efficiently induces fast development of a robust immune response.
- Its unique formulation allows safe vaccine cycling.
2. Consistency
IMMUCOX® is formulated to ensure minimal variation in the oocyst viability and infectivity during its shelf life.
Vaccine’s consistency is achieved by its unique formulation and viability of oocysts at production.
3. Vaccine uptake
IMMUCOX® is applied with state-of-the-art equipment, Desvac Duo, and CevaGel technology.
The CevaGel formulation and innovative delivery system ensure a more uniform oocyst distribution and optimized vaccine uptake.
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The optimum oocyst number ensure:
Safety – Cause minimal intestinal damage and no detrimental effect on performance and uniformity.
Immucox® contains full-cycle Eimerias, which produce an optimum oocyst output increasing the opportunity for every bird in a flock to find and recycle vaccinal oocysts, stimulating rapid and robust immune response.
Shelf-life prevents variations in oocyst viability ensuring consistency in the safety and efficacy
Oocysts uniformly distributed in CevaGel (gel diluent).
- Uniform distribution of the vaccine in the chick box, maximize vaccine uptake.
- The rate of vaccine uptake can be measured at the hatchery.
IMMUCOX® - Key benefits

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Contact usCoccidiosis
Coccidiosis is a disease caused by Eimeria parasites commonly observed in mammals and birds’ intestinal tract. In chickens and turkeys, infection by this parasite is costly to both the producer (higher feed conversion ratios, depressed growth, and increased flock mortality) and the industry, causing billions of dollars in losses worldwide.