Data real World Evidence

Real World Evidence Data Service

RWE in medicine means evidence obtained from real-world data analyses.

It supports demonstrating further the benefits of a product, but also quickly improving our knowledge through bigger and bigger sets of data.  

At Ceva, we developed this data skill to better understand, adapt and react according to the real situation of each poultry production, supporting and advising our customers based on facts, and securing the flock’s health.  

The ability to visualize data and apply statistics, combined with our veterinarians’ technical knowledge, is making a fundamental difference in the interpretation of the results. It also links well with the possible solutions to put in place, to solve issues at the hatchery, farm, or slaughterhouse level.  

Our methodology : 3 steps, 3 analysis

1. Health Situation

This analysis, aiming at evaluating the field challenge, and vaccine take is done through the analysis of individual serology titer.


2. Performance KPIs

At the hatchery, farm, and/or slaughterhouse level, all KPIs are analyzed, according to the vaccination program and flock challenge status – challenged vs unchallenged.


3. Translation into economics

The RWE statistical analysis helps poultry producers in their decision-making process.

It is a proven tool to continuously improve and choose in all conscience the best vaccination program.

Data real World Evidence

Real World Evidence Key Figures

527 RWE analyses

completed from 2017 to 2024

19 RWE Vets

actively working worldwide

50 countries

using the Ceva Data Services

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