vet services 3

Global Protection Services (GPS) and Data Platform

Valuable monitoring thanks to GPS services includes regular health status and vaccine take monitoring at the farm level.

After reviewing the quality of the vaccination in the hatchery, GPS is a set of tools and SOP’s allowing our veterinary services managers to monitor the response to vaccination in the operations of Ceva’s customers. GPS services include regular farm or end-point PCR and serological sampling, in vaccinated flocks, to confirm achieving an appropriate immunization level.

Our GPS services are supported by a global database where analysis results are safely stored, respecting all confidentiality parameters, and used by our staff to present high-quality reports to our customers depicting the disease situation in their own farms.

151 163 flocks

monitored by GPS since 2017

1000 / year

health status reports shared with customers in 2023

180 field veterinarians

in R&D & SSIU teams

64 countries covered

by Veterinary Services Support

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